Registration Form for New Students ONLINE PROGRAMS Registration Form 837 views Please fill out the registration form for ONLINE training below and pay for your course using the “Pay now” button below the registration form. Child’s Name Child`s Date of Birth Name of The Program CHOOSE YOUR COURSE FASHION DESIGN DIPLOMA PROGRAM GRAPHIC DESIGN DIPLOMA PROGRAM SEO & DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY DIPLOMA PROGRAM Choose your payment option $69.00 per week. $276 per month (six Month payment). (Save $468.00 during one year). $236.00 per week $236 per month (12-month payment) (Save $948.00 during one year). $290 per month. (Month by Month payments) First name parent or custodian Last name parent or custodian Parent / custodian E-mail Home Phone number (optional) Parent / custodian cell Phone Your country Your Child E-mail for home assessments. (Optional) If you provide your child’s E-mail, all communication with with your child will be copied to parents’ email. Please indicate medical or other condition(s) requiring attention. (e.g. medical limitations on child’s activities, medications, etc. If None, state None) Discount code Use Captcha. Simple mathematics 7 + 5 = Pay now Facebook Twitter Email Previous Teens Computer School Registration Form for In-Class Course Next Teens Computer School In-Class Registration Form You may also like Registration Form for New Students ENRICHED ART PROGRAM REGISTRATION FORM 333 views Registration Form for New Students Portfolio preparation workshop Registration Form 297 views Registration Form for New Students High Tide Art School Registration Form 302 views